Various Writing Styles Students Can Use

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Priya KumariTeam Lead

Various Writing Styles Students Can Use

Writing is an essential skill that is used across many disciplines. Even the field of mathematics often requires the presentation of an argument in written form, particularly in fields such as statistics. The most popular kinds of writing styles are distinct from one another in terms of their intended purposes, the structures they use, and the degree of emotional appeal they need from the reader. Students who have a better understanding of how each of these categories contributes to the various types of writing will not only be able to express themselves more fluently but will also do better on standardized examinations administered at the state and national levels.

This blog contains examples of five distinct writing styles. Therefore, the use of each of these forms of writing is intended for a certain objective. It's not unusual for a single work of literature to use more than one writing style. However, every student needs to be familiar with all these kinds of writing talents as well as the applications of each one.

Here are the different categories and learn why should you master each:

1. Persuasive Writing Style

In this kind of writing pattern, the objective of the student is to get the reader to agree with their well-prepared argument. To be successful in achieving this objective, you will need to use a variety of argumentation strategies, such as providing evidence that backs up your position. On the other hand, you should organize your thoughts in a way that makes sense to the reader so that they may attract their attention. In addition, you might support your position by narrating a tale that appeals to the audience's emotions.

How does it work?
  • Well, the talent of persuasive writing stays with the author and requires the reader to agree with his or her perspective to be effective.
  • Additionally, this serves as a call to action, meaning it encourages the reader to take some kind of action.
  • However, in addition to that, it has a large number of viewpoints, arguments, justifications, reasons, and so on.
Examples of where and when you should use Persuasive writing
  • Cover Letters
  • Letter of complaints
  • Editorial newspaper pieces
  • Opinions
  • Reviews
  • Advertisements
  • Letter of recommendation
  • 2. Narrative Writing Style

    Before you get started on your content, try to tell a created narrative. On the other hand, stories may be found everywhere, and this should offer you plenty of opportunities to use your imagination. In most cases, while writing in a narrative style, you are required to convey a story while ensuring that it is 100 percent authentic and honest.

    In addition to this, when a reader begins imagining a narrative by reading your information, it improves the power of story fiction and it also increases the satisfaction that the reader experiences. In addition to this, the possibility allows you to improve your style of expressing your imagination, which in turn touches the thoughts and emotions of the reader.

    How does it work?
    • Check to see that it has a definite ending, as well as a logical beginning and that there are intervals in between.
    • Make sure that your tale has characters, as well as communication between those characters.
    • Ensure that the conclusion of your narrative includes events that motivate the characters, arguments, and conflicts, as well as the resolutions to those problems.
    • As the last step, you should make certain that there is someone there who can recount an experience or a tale.
    Examples of where and when you should use Narrative writing
    • Oral histories
    • Short stories
    • Poetry
    • Autobiographies
    • Novels
    • Biographies
    • Anecdotes
    • Novellas

    3. Expository Writing Style

    To be more specific, the primary goal of expository writing is to provide the reader with accurate data and information. On the other hand, if this is the case, the student has to ensure that they do the necessary research before writing on any subject.

    Therefore, you need to investigate and broaden the scope of the concept by employing real facts. When you start writing in this style, your purpose is to provide the reader with an explanation of anything in a manner that is neutral or objective. On the other hand, you don't need to demonstrate or argue a point.

    How does it work?
    • The Expository Writing Style is often helpful when expressing something that is in the process of happening.
    • Ensure that the information you present is organized in a manner that makes sense and follows a sequence.
    • Make it a goal to provide accurate and informative content on your work, complete with numbers and data.
    Examples of where and when you should use Expository writing
    • Business, scientific or technical writing
    • Recipes
    • How-to-articles
    • Textbook writings
    • News Stories

    4. Descriptive Writing Style

    Writing that is descriptive often combines with other types of writing included on the list. However, this approach is one of the most typical ways that content is written. Therefore, it is highly useful for students who are currently enrolled in high school or college. In descriptive writing, showing rather than telling is the most important aspect to focus on.

    You don't even need to explain what took place; all you have to do is create a picture to demonstrate the solution and the rationale behind how it took place. Also, make sure that your text is free of any grammatical errors since you should be aware of the significance of proper grammar in English writing.

    Examples of where and when you should use Descriptive writing
    • Metaphor
    • Hyperbole
    • Foreshadowing
    • Irony
    • Smilies

    You will, however, need to choose a point of view to enable the readers to connect with the circumstances in which they find themselves. Be sure that the first and second person is using a conversational tone, whereas the third person should have a more authoritative and detached tone in comparison to the other persons.

    5. Critical Writing Style

    Developing an argument or a point of view is an essential part of academic writing. This will be supported by tangible proof, such as reasoning, examples, and data obtained from sources. It is expected that the writing you generate using this method will be "critical writing".

    Writing that is critical examines and assesses material, often collected from a variety of sources, to construct an argument via written expression. This means that you should look for reasons why what you read should be accepted or rejected. One way to do this is to compare what you read with what other writers have said about the topic. Another way is to evaluate the research methods to determine whether or not they are sufficient or whether or not they could be improved.

    How does it work?
    • A far more in-depth examination of the topic is provided.
    • The student makes persistent efforts to locate solutions within the body of published material, focusing especially on finding a variety of definitions and interpretations of the central problem.
    • After the student has been given the piece of literature, they are next responsible for putting their own "spin" (interpretation) on it.
    • Attempts to discover supporting proof (substantiation) in the literature are always made after personal thoughts and reflections since they are usually followed up by such efforts.
    • It is acknowledged that the problem is somewhat complicated. The situation is not portrayed in a straightforward "black and white" manner. Instead, several gradations of grey are recognized.
    • The "voice" of the learner can be heard throughout, as they attempt to make sense of what they have read by connecting it to what they have experienced in their own lives.

    The Assignment Hubcan assist overcome the issues that students have when it comes to their writing skills if we place a considerably larger focus on a range of different sorts of writing.

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